Welcome to OLIHA.DEV
Hello, I am Peter Oliha and I am a software engineer and consultant. I have a passion for building software and helping others do the same.
Most days, you can find me turning my ideas into software products and services that are aligned with my interests.
I have lived and worked on 3 continents in areas such as fintech, internet services and blockchain …. More
Recent Posts
My Initial Server Setup Checklist
Whenever I set up a new VPS (Virtual Private Server), I follow a standard process to ensure it’s secure, optimized, and ready for deployment. Here, I’m documenting the steps I typically take, which cover everything from updating the system to configuring security essentials like UFW and Fail2Ban. Just FYI, this is my own checklist, and…
Enums as arrays in PostgreSQL – Updated 2024
What are Enums? Enumerated types (Enums) are a special kind of data type that consist of a set of predefined values. It is common in many programming languages and it is supported in PostgreSQL as well. For example, let’s say we want to define the allowed type of credit cards for a user. We can…
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KidzLog aims to provide a full suite of tools to help you manage various aspects of your childcare business. From tracking attendance to handling billing and payments, the goal is to meet the needs of childcare providers, whether you run a home-based daycare or a larger childcare center. Learn more about it on kidzlog.com
3 Ways to Run NestJS Cron Jobs When Running Multiple Instances
Managing cron jobs in a multi-instance environment can be challenging. Recently, I faced this issue on FindChildcare.ca where I am running multiple instances of a NestJS application. Here are three methods to handle this effectively: 1. Using Named Instances This method involves naming your primary and replica instances and adding conditional checks to ensure the…
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FindChildcare.ca a comprehensive directory of home and center-based childcare providers across Canada.Now instead of playing roulette with Facebook groups, FindChildcare.ca is designed to be a place where parents can easily find childcare providers and subscribe to receive notifications about openings. Providers can also create waitlists, manage multiple listings, and indicate available slots. It is probably…
Debugging Multiple NestJS Applications in VSCode
Debugging is a critical part of the development process, and when working with NestJS applications, Visual Studio Code (VSCode) offers tools to make this task easier and more efficient. This guide will walk you through setting up and using VSCode to debug NestJS applications, including how to handle multiple instances. Setting Up Debug Mode To…
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